

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。



VI. Mukyokai and Japanese Society. (Cont.)

However, while superficially taking over much from the west, the main structure of Japan’s political and social institutions and her ideologies were substantially preserved.(5)Japanese began to realize that acceptance of Christianity was not indispensable for enjoying western technology and materialism.(6)The modernization of Japan was initiated by a paternalistic, authoritarian government, which attempted to revitalize Shinto as the national religion. The aim of the Meiji regime was to restore the ancient principle of the unity of religion and government and the immanental theocratic state. Hirobumi Ito (1841-1909), the chief architect of the Meiji Constitution, insisted that the imperial house must be the core of people’s spiritual unity and national loyalty, because there is no such strong religion in Japan as Christianity in Europe.(7)The government separated Shinto from its close affiliation with Buddhism, and the department of Shinto was established to superimpose Shinto on the new Japan.
The government’s reluctant decision to surrender to the pressure of Occident powers and lift the ban against Christianity was an emotional blow to Buddhism, which had been charged with the task of carrying out the anti-Kirishitan policy of the Tokugawa regime. Thus, many Buddhists, including those who had supported religious freedom, allied themselves with Shinto, Confucian, and nationalist leaders in an emotional anti-Christian campaign called haja kensei (“refutation of evil religion and the exaltation of righteous religion”).(8)
Confucians also resented the new regime’s policy of organizing the educational system on Western models and welcoming Western learning (yogaku) at the expense of traditional important Confucian learning (jugaku). After a decade of westernization, however, a reactional conservative mood revived the power of Confucians also. With the promulgation of the Imperial Rescript on Education and the adoption of compulsory “moral teaching” (shushin) in school systems, Confucian virtues of filial piety and loyalty were domesticated and presented as indigenous moral values. As such, “nonreligious” Confucian ethics supported “super-religious” State Shinto until the end of World War II.(9)
This distinction between the private and public exercise of religious faith was clear-cut in law, but did not conform well to the reality of Japanese religious practice.(10) Although religious freedom was nominally guaranteed in the Meiji Constitution, it was limited to the extent that is “not prejudicial to peace and order, and not antagonistic to their duties as subjects.” The understanding of religious freedom was interpreted more narrowly after the promulgation of the Imperial Rescript on Education, which became the pillar of prewar Japan’s ethics and morality. Spokesmen of anti-Christian groups stressed that the Christian doctrine of universal love was incompatible with the national virtues of loyalty and filial piety taught explicitly in the Rescript. Thus, Christianity and its value systems were regarded as being inconsistent with national polity (kokutai). Its monotheistic faith was regarded as an enemy of the Imperial Family, thus Shinto, which taught loyalty to the emperor, became an intense center of opposition.(11) Because of this situation、period of increasing difficulties and slow progress had begun.(12)

(5)Kenneth Scott Latourette, The Great Century: In Africa and Asia, A.D. 1800 – A.D. 1914. vol. VI of A History of the Expansion of Christianity, (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan Publishing House, 1970), p.371.
(6)op cit, Thomas, p.190.
(7)Masayuki Suzuki, Koushitsu Seido [The System of the Imperial Household], (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1993), p.91.
(8)op cit, Thomas, p.197.
(9)The Encyclopedia of Religion, 1987 ed., s.v. “Japanese Religion: An Overview” by Joseph M. Kitagawa.
(10)op cit, Hardacre, p.121.
(11)op cit, Thomas, p.184.
(12)op cit, Ebisawa and Ouchi, p.296.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク