

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。




日本人のような民族が、正しい政府と賢明な運営を完成させるための幾重もの経験を通過する前に、さしたる準備もなく、彼らの生まれつきの機能がその如くに受け入れられ、より高き聖なる領域にまで高められるような自由の王国に入ることを望むのは、ユートピア的な夢であろうか? いにしえの主君に対する忠誠の伝統が、彼ら(侍日本人)を『かしらにならんとする者は全ての人の僕となる』という領域において共有されている単純な忠誠のために、ある程度は準備したのではないだろうか?(原英文、魚谷訳)


キリスト教は侍の精神をそれに注入することによって失われるであろうか? ラテン・キリスト教は、キリスト教信仰と古代ローマの精神の幸福な融合ではなかったか? ルターのドイツ・キリスト教は、キリスト教に対して価値ある明瞭な貢献をしたのではないか? しからば、汝らがアメリカもしくはイギリスのキリスト教を普遍的な宗教と呼び、余の日本のキリスト教を民族的であり、地方的であると避難することに対して、注意深く祈って見よ。・・・余はアメリカやイギリスの宣教師の教師達の信仰に改宗することによって、彼らの真似をする日本人ほど悲しい輩を見たことがない。(原英文、魚谷訳)

IV. Synthesis of Japanese Culture and Christianity(Cont.)

Hence, for Uchimura, loyalty to one’s lord, which was central to the traditional samurai ethic, was also the highest virtue in the service of his new Lord. Such loyalty was the unconditional fulfillment of one’s role with sincerity and earnestness, without any expectation of recompense, and without any consideration of one’s own life, safety or self-interest. In other words, loyalty required total self-dedication and self-sacrifice in order to achieve one’s given role in society.(21)
Uchimura saw that this traditional samurai loyalty, as an “inborn faculty” of the “Yamato-heart,” was already “essentially Christian in spirit.” In the past, this loyalty had been blind, misdirected and even naive in its achievement, but now he asked rhetorically:

Is it a Utopian dream to hope that before a people like the Japanese pass through manifold experiences in the attainment of right government and wise administration they may enter, without further preparation, that free kingdom where their inborn faculties will be accepted just as they are, and consecrated to labor in higher, holier spheres? Have not the olden traditions of loyalty to a chief… prepared them [samurai Japanese] in a certain degree for the simple fidelity which should exist among the sharers in that realm where he that will “be the chiefest shall be servant of all?”(22)

Thus Uchimura believed that samurai loyalty was not only “essentially Christian” in its motivation, but that when consecrated and redirected to service to Christ, it was the first and prior step to service to country, to the “attainment of right government and wise administration.” Uchimura as a samurai Christian sought a Christianity engrafted on the Japanese spirit:

Does Christianity lose by bringing the spirit of samurai into it? Was not Latin Christianity a happy fusion of the Christian faith and the old Roman spirit? Was not Luther’s German Christianity a valuable and distinct contribution to Christianity? So then, pray be careful that you call your American or English Christianity a universal religion, and condemn my Japanese Christianity as national sectional…. I have seen no more sorrowful figures than Japanese who imitate their American or European missionary teachers by being converted to the faith of the latter.(23)

(21)op cit, Robert Lee, p.97.
(22)”Moral Traits of the Yamato-damasii (Spirit of Japan),” Methodist Review, LXVIII – Fifth series, II: 61 (January, 1886), p.66f. quoted by Robert Lee, op cit.
(23)Uchimura, Zenshu, XV, 578f.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク