

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。






 典礼の客観的な効力を指摘するために、カトリック神学は ex opere operato という公式を作り出した。それは典礼は完結された典礼儀式の力によって機能するのであって、それを受ける人や司祭の主観的な性質とは独立して有効であるという意味である。一方プロテスタント神学は、その『信仰のみによる義認』の教義により、典礼は心理学的・象徴的な重要性を持つのみであると主張する。カトリック教会はこの考えを、トレント公会議において異端として排斥した。これに反して改革者達は、カトリックの公式を機械的あるいは魔術的な効力という意味で解釈し、主観的な条件の重要性を軽視しているといって非難した。

III. Concept of Ministry in Mukyokai Movement (Cont.)

The Mukyokai Christians generally feel that salaried ministers are despicable person, salesmen of God’s grace, sacraments, and blessings, administrators of God’s church as a “business.” It follows, then, that the Mukyokai consider seminary preparation for the priesthood as entirely inappropriate for the true evangelical mission.(15)
Since they equate faith directly with a living witness, it follows that the Mukyokai also reject theology as a meaningless theoretical systematization of faith into doctrines which identify God as an abstract idea rather than a personal being to whom man can appeal for mercy and grace. They see theology as leading to a mechanical faith, devoid of any personal conviction or practical commitment.(16)

C. The Mukyokai View of Sacrament

In Christian sacramentalism we see a battle between Catholic objectivism and Protestant subjectivism. Actually this battle had been underlying in Western thought even before the controversy broke out at the time of the Reformation; Donatists and Mystical movements were the forerunner of the Reformers.
In order to designate the objective efficacy of the Sacrament, Catholic theology coined the formula: “The Sacraments works ex opere operato,” that is, the Sacraments operate by the power of the completed sacramental rite, independent of the subjective disposition of the recipient or the minister.(17)On the other hand, Protestant theology insists that the Sacraments have only a psychological and symbolic significance by reason of the doctrine of justification by faith alone.(18)The Catholic Church rejected this idea as a heresy at the Council of Trent. On the contrary, the Reformers interpreted Catholic formula in the sense of a mechanical or magical efficacy,(19)and accused it for minimizing the importance of subjective conditions.(20)

(15)Caldarola, p.75.
(16)Caldarola, p.65.
(17)Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, ed. James Canon Bastible. (Rockford: Tan Books Publishers, Inc., 1974) pp.328-9.
(18)Ibid., pp.326-7.
(19)Ibid., p.330.
(20)Louis Berkhof. Systematic Theology, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1941) p.626.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク