このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。
H・リチャード・ニーバーは、この問題の複雑な性質を認識し、より洗練された方法でそれを扱っている。彼の扱い方は、宣教学的というよりはむしろ神学的なものである。彼の著書「キリストと文化」において、ニーバーは教会が主の命令に対する理解を文化に関連させる時に、歴史的に採用してきた類型の跡をたどっている。ニーバーの扱いにおいては、五つの類型が与えられている。彼は文化とキリストの関係における二つの極端な立場を、「文化に対するキリスト」(Christ against culture)と、「文化のキリスト」(Christ of culture)と名付けた。この二つのタイプは、残りの三つの中にも含まれているが、それらの急進的な性格はお互いが影響し合うことによって弱められている。これらの三つのタイプは、それぞれ「文化の上にあるキリスト」(Christ above culture)、「矛盾におけるキリストと文化」(Christ and culture in paradox)、および「文化の改造者としてのキリスト」(Christ the transformer of culture)と呼ばれている。
I. Problem of Indigenization (Cont.)
However, the problem is not that simple. We cannot equate the “supracultural core of the gospel” with theology nor metaphysics for theology and philosophy are human made and culture-bound. Cultural relativists argue that every time Christianity crosses any cultural or linguistic boundary it is changed; any time it passes from one generation to another it is changed. Anyone who knows anything about it only understands Christianity in terms that are meaningful to them in their own historically rooted situation. Relativism maintains that one of the reasons for the spread and survival of Christianity has been its remarkable adaptability. Jesus was so vulnerable to the assault of theologians and fantasists that he was easily adopted and transformed into the Gentile God. Jesus is actually different in every country and every age for he is a mythic cult figure of every culture who bears only the name of one who was historical. Thus, cultural relativism makes the essence of Christianity extremely amorphous and ambiguous, even to the extent of non-existent.
B. Christ and Culture
Recognizing the complicated nature of this problem, H. Richard Niebuhr deals with this problem in a more sophisticated way. His treatment is theological rather than missiological. In his Christ and Culture, Niebuhr traced the types of relation which the church has historically adopted in relating its understanding of the mandate of its Lord to culture. Niebuhr’s treatment yielded a fivefold pattern. The two extreme positions he identified as Christ against culture and Christ of culture. These two types enter into the remaining three, but are reduced in their radicalness by their mutual interaction. These three types are called Christ above culture, Christ and culture in paradox, and Christ the transformer of culture.
For those who take the position that God is opposed to culture, the choice for commitment to God is by definition a decision to oppose culture. To those who hold this view the essence of “culture” is evil that they see around them, and the way to holiness is to escape from and to condemn “the world.”(6)
The Christ against culture groups, however, are caught in dilemma. They cannot escape from culture, since their culture is internal as well as external. But, because they identify the forms of that culture as inherently evil, they seek to run from it. Since they cannot escape from it, they quite unconsciously carry it with them, living by and endorsing the major part of their culture, even though they believe themselves to be free of it.(7)
(6)H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture, (NY: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1956), p.47-48.
(7)Ibid.,. p.69