このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。
V. Structure of Mukyokai Movement (Cont.)
B. Anti-Organization Principle
The most striking characteristics of Mukyokai group is its anti-organizational principle. Uchimura’s main concern during the last years of his life was to ensure that his activities were not continued in any formal fashion after his death. He ordered that both his Biblical magazine(9)and his groups be discontinued.
The Mukyokai rejection of any notion of succession continues to this day. Their motto is “living Christianity does not need to appoint a successor; corrupted religion needs it!” They constantly pay attention not to develop the movement as a sect in opposition to the genuine spirit of Uchimura, thus transforming it into a “non-church church.” The group strive constantly to be fresh and new, to avoid repetition and fixed relationship, and allow the individual to move on to other groups in order to improve his spiritual abilities. Its configuration is one which allows both unified groups and the autonomy of the individual; it is constantly shifting – groups emerge, split and split again, dissolve – all without animosity among the members. Given this fluidity, personal freedom, and widespread independence, it is not surprising that the movement has no formal superstructure at all – no local or national boards, committees, or secretariats; not even a written history of the movement exists and there are no membership rolls or statistics available.(10)
Carlo Caldarola regards the Mukyokai Christianity as an exception of the developmental model of sociology of religion formed by Max Weber and H. R. Niebuhr.(11) Weber proposed that new religious movements generally start out as sects headed by a charismatic leader at the time of cultural crisis or social crisis. That charismatic authority is intrinsically revolutionary and unstable; if the group does not institutionalize, it will die shortly after the founder dies. Hence, the movement undergoes a process of “routinization of charisma.” This process of routinization is commonly referred to by sociologists as institutionalization.(12)
(9)Uchimura utilized several means of spreading his new-found convictions. In 1898, he established Tokyo Dokuritsu Zasshi (Tokyo Independent Magazine), in 1900 Seisho no Kenkyu (Biblical Studies), and in 1901 Mukyokai, the later to expound upon a Christianity completely free of any ecclesiastical organization. Through these magazines, Uchimura reached many brilliant Japanese intellectuals who eventually became his disciples and collaborators.
(10)op cit, Caldarola, p.138.
(11)Ibid., p.143.
(12)Max Weber, Theory of Social and Economic Organization, ed. with introduction by Talcott Parsons, (Glencoe, Ill: The Free Press, 1964), pp. 363ff.