

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。









V. Structure of Mukyokai Movement

A. The Bible Study Group Based on Teacher-Pupil Relationship

Mukyokai Christianity, like Zen, refuses to be a system; both of them emphasize total personal freedom and independence of prescribed forms. Then, one may raise the question, “How can they transmit their faith to the next generation without organization?” It is impossible to understand the peculiar structure of the non-church movement without reference to the prevalent relational patterns in Japanese culture and society because it is patterned on a model of human relationship deeply rooted in the soil of Japanese tradition.(1)
The main difficulty to transplant the western type of Christian church to Japan is the entire lack of concept of the Church as it exists in the West. Because of a tendency to fuse the religious end and secular end, the concept of religion as a separate and special discipline was odd and even repulsive to the Japanese.(2)The distinctive characteristic of Mukyokai Christianity is its endeavor to take part in the Christian faith without the church of western type. Its mode of accomplishing this aim is found in “adherence to the Bible alone.”(3) Mukyokai adherents are called “cross-legged” Christians, who “sit cross-legged on straw mats in homes, factories, schools, and anywhere – except Churches -studying the Bible.”(4)
In Japanese society, Confucian doctrines served as educational principles to guide moral and social behavior and provide a structure for social life which could not be learned in the temple. As Uchimura points out, “priests we have, but they are essentially temple-keepers and not teachers of truth and eternal verities. All our moral reformers were teachers, ‘pedagogues’ who taught the things of the spirit while they taught letters and science.”(5) Since this teacher-oriented academies fulfilled both educational and religious functions, members of the upper Japanese class developed their entire social, moral, and religious personalities within the context of the student-teacher relationship.(6) On the structural level, the non-church movement is characterized by this teacher-pupil relationship so deeply rooted in Japanese tradition.
The Bible study group centering on sensei is the typical style of Mukyokai meeting, but the teacher is essentially an instrument of God and there is no formal training or assignment of responsibilities. Anyone who feels divinely inspired can form his own group and instruct in the Bible.(7)
Though the Mukyokai leaders deny the existence of any structure within the movement, a number of observation can be made about the general patterning of the Bible study groups and of the informal groups which meet at members’ homes. The latter are very small in size and characterized by intimate interpersonal relationships. The overall structure is highly democratic – all members are considered equal and have an equal responsibility in the teaching of the Bible. However, in practice, one or two members who are better educated and more articulated may come to dominate the group as the whole.(8)

(1)Ibid., p.117.
(2)Ibid., p.123.
(3)Carl Michalson, Japanese Contributions to Christian Theology, (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press), p.18.
(4)Ibid., p.20-21.
(5)op cit, Uchimura, Zenshu, p.XV, p.142.
(6)op cit, Caldarola, p.123.
(7)Ibid., p.124.
(8)Ibid., p.135.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク