

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。







VII. Evaluation of the Mukyokai Movement.(Cont.)

In the West universalism in many contexts transformed or replaced the ethic of warrior loyalty. For example, the old particularistic loyalty was replaced by a more universalistic loyalty. In Japan, on the contrary, particularism remained unchallenged.(5) Therefore, conversion to Christianity, which acknowledges no gods but Yahweh, and subsequent acquisition of church membership is “deviant behavior,” which inevitably causes a social pressure against it.(6)
The compelling and overriding loyalty toward the political authority must be seen in the context of the idea of on (blessing). The political authority has the obligation of bestowing blessings (on) on the people subject to it. Coordinate with the concept of on is the concept of ho-on or the return of on. This involves the general obligation to respect and comply with the orders of the political authority.(7)
It is important to remember that the family in Tokugawa society was in many ways a microcosms of the total society, it had largely the same value system and was penetrated with the same tensions as the total society. On the broadest level family and nation are one, therefore, the families do not stand over against the polity but is integrated into it and to an extent penetrated by it. It does not serve as a locus for a different value system, but a virtually identical one.(8)
Religion supplied a context of ultimate meaning to the central value system through the fact that the primary collectivities in the society – the nation and family – were conceived of as religious as well as secular bodies. Loyalty to these collectivities and their heads had not only a mundane significance, but also an ultimate meaning; fulfillment of obligations to them was in one sense a religious duty.(9) As a result, Japanese people developed the “religion of filial piety” and “religion of loyalty” which have no necessary connection with sect, shrine, or temple.(10)
There seem to be two basic conceptions of the divinity in Japanese religion. The first of these is that of a superordinate entity who dispenses nurturance, care and love. Examples include the Confucian Heaven and Earth, Amida and other Buddhas, the Shinto deities, as well as local tutelary deities and ancestors. This category shades off imperceptibly into political superiors and parents, both of whom are treated as in part, at least, sacred. Religious action toward these entities is characterized by respect, gratitude for blessing received, an attempts to make return for those blessings.(11) Action with respect to deity as a benevolent superordinate gets us at once into the theory of on. Deity in some form dispenses blessings (on) and it is obligation of the recipient to make return for these blessings (ho-on). Religious action, then, is the various forms this ho-on may take.(12) Actually, the theory of on and ho-on is found prominently in Japanese Buddhism.

(5)Ibid., p.181.
(6)Kiyomi Morioka, Religion in Changing Japanese Society, p.124-125.
(7) op cit, Bellah, p.20-1.
(8)Ibid., p.18-9.
(9)Ibid., p.39.
(10)Ibid., p.80.
(11)Ibid., p.61.
(12)Ibid., p.70.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク