このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。
VI. Mukyokai and Japanese Society. (Cont.)
The Kyodan (the Church of Christ in Japan) is often criticized by the postwar Japanese Christians for its misleading of history during World War II. It is accused of accommodating itself to ruling power and tried to rationalize in religious terms the violence and atrocities of that power. For example, it sent a letter to Asian churches – “An Open Letter from the Nippon Kirisuto Kyodan to All Christians in the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” – that interpreted Japan’s military expansion as history’s progress and justified it as God’s will.(38)
During the war all religious groups were exploited by the government as ideological weapons. In general, Japanese Christians supported the government at the time of the Manchurian adventure.(39) Furthermore, Japanese Christianity did not offer any protest against the cruel oppression of Korean Christianity by the Japanese government; they could not share suffering with Korean churches.(40)
However, there were some Christians who did not surrender to the exaggerated nationalism of the 1930’s and 1940’s. One of them was Tadao Yanaihara, who was a disciple of Uchimura and a leading figure of the Non-church movement. He courageously criticized militarism at the time of the Manchurian Incident, that led to his resignation of his post as professor at the Tokyo Imperial University. He inherited the prophetic spirit of Uchimura, and based his warning to the nation on the oracle of Isaiah.(41)
The end of World War II and the Allied occupation of Japan brought full-scale religious freedom to Japan. The abrogation of the ill-famed Religious Organizations Law also radically altered the religious scene. Assured of religious freedom and separation of religion and state by the Religious Ordinance, all religious groups began energetic activities. It was a good chance for Christianity to make a fresh start. However, the Church of Christ in Japan could not repent deeply enough of its opportunism during the war. The church leaders tried to avoid responsibility for the war.(42) It is still an ongoing problem, the same as in the general society.
(38)Tsutomu Shoji, “The United Church of Christ in Japan: Its Sin and Rebirth” in Mid-Stream 27, (April 1988), p.168.
(39)op cit, Latourette, Vol.7, p.396.
(40)op cit, Ebisawa and Ouchi, p.561.
(41)Ibid., p.594-600.
(42)Ibid., p.611-614.