

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。







 この宗教性の中心的要素は『誠』の態度であり、この言葉は英語においては普通はtrue, truthful, faithful, unselfish, pure, honest などと訳され、調和した心の性質のことを意味している。本質的に『誠』は「純粋な心」と「正直」を意味している。それは人が何ものも避けたり無視したりすることなく、全身全霊で人生に向かうことを示している。この概念は、全てにおいて清浄に対する崇敬を強調した古神道の伝統において最初に生じたものである。

IV. Synthesis of Japanese Culture and Christianity(Cont.)

C. Shinto and Zen Buddhism

Carlo Caldarola argues that the mystico-existential approach to Christianity in the Mukyokai faith, which is typically marked by a sharp sense of intuition and intense spiritual experience, is found to be in continuity with the religious tradition of Japan.(24) In the religious life in Japan, all the great religious traditions were represented and almost inseparably fused in the national and family level. Confucianism and Shinto had borrowed Buddhist metaphysics and psychology; Buddhism and Shinto had borrowed much of Confucian ethics; and Confucianism and Buddhism had been rather thoroughly Japanized.(25)
Shinto permeates Japanese culture as both attitude and life style. Although the vast majority of Japanese remain unaware of the extent to which Shinto dominates their lives, it provides the most basic orientation that characterizes the essence of Japanese spirituality. The “Shinto Way” has operated as a major impetus in the indigenization of foreign ideas and religion in Japan. Because of its intuitive nature and formative power in the Japanese mentality, Shinto has been a silent and invisible force which has attained its ends more by persistence than by provocative and challenging confrontations with the imported doctrines. Shinto’s lack of self-conscious expression has kept the Japanese mind free of formalization and therefore ready to abstract from the theoretical complexities of foreign philosophies those elements which are compatible with the indigenous tendencies. The remarkable transformation which Buddhism and Confucianism underwent in Japan are among the most outstanding examples of this indigenizing dynamic.(26)
Japanese Zen Buddhism can be regarded as the Shintoist version of Buddhism. The intention of Zen Buddhism is to bring man into oneness with life. In this union, man overcomes his alienation from everything outside himself and transcends any opposition between self and other. Zen is the awareness of “pure being” beyond subject and object, an immediate grasp of being in its “suchness” and “thusness.” The peculiarity of this awareness is that it is not reflective, not self-conscious, not philosophical nor theological. It is a sense beyond the realm of psychological observation and metaphysical reflection. It is an “existential consciousness.” (27) In Zen this union is directly with life in all of its forms; in the Mukyokai this union is primarily with God’s spirit, the very source of life, through which one finds a wisdom that transcends all reasoning, an existential intuition of what is right in each situation.(28)
Zen does not claim to “process” and to “teach” any particular truth, has no formal creed, no ritual, no moral code, no catechism, no church organization. Zen attempts only to enable the individual to discover his true self and to awake him to “authentic” life. These feelings, typical of Zen in general, form a relevant aspect of the traditional ethos of Japan. Although Zen is formally practiced by only a few score of Japanese, nevertheless the spirit of Zen, which perfectly blends with the most genuine Shinto spirit, is at the very core of the Japanese way of thinking and contributes to the unique features of Japanese religiosity.(29)
The central element of this religiosity is the attitude of makoto, a word which is usually translated as “true” – truthful, faithful, unselfish, pure, honest – and refers to the corresponding dispositions of the heart. In essence, makoto stands for “pure heart” and for “honesty.” It indicates that one approaches life with all one’s heart, shunning and neglecting nothing. This concept first arose in the old Shinto tradition which emphasized reverence for purity in all things.(30)

(24)op cit, Caldarola, p.20.
(25)op cit, Bellah, p.59.
(26)op cit, Caldarola, p.212-3.
(27)Ibid., p.84.
(28)Ibid., p.99.
(29)Ibid., p.85.
(30)Ibid., p.86.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク