

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。今回から3回に分けて「序論」を掲載する。






Both Christianity and East Asia are supposed to take important roles in the twenty-first century world. However, these two had been alienated from one another in spite of tremendous missionary efforts of the past centuries. Even though Japan is the most modernized and westernized country in East Asia, it is still far from being a Christian country.(1)Christianity is still a minority in Japan and regarded as a foreign religion as it is expressed in a popular phrase, Christianity “smells of butter” (batakusai), i.e., it is tainted with the smell of Westerners who eat butter instead of rice.(2)
Indigenization of Christianity in Japanese culture was so hard a task that even the contextualization approach of the Jesuit could not accomplish it. When Francis Xavier sailed from Goa to Japan in 1549, she seemed to be a field of missionary triumph like the Philippines. “In ten years,” wrote an optimistic missionary in 1577, “all Japan will be Christian if we have enough missionaries.” In 1579 Jesuit missionaries were able to establish a new town, Nagasaki, to be a home for Christian converts, and claimed that there were already 100,000 Japanese converts; in 1587 they claimed 200,000 converts with 240 churches.
The rapid expansion of Christian faith was, however, stopped suddenly. Franciscans and Protestant missionaries arrived and began to quarrel and the missionaries were involved with politics. The ruler began to look upon the missionaries as the spearhead of Spanish invasion. In 1614 the ruler Ieyasu issued an edict which expelled missionaries from Japan. Then began a severe persecution. Between 1614 and 1646, there were 4045 martyrs. A decree of 1638 closed the country to foreigners. Japanese Christians, which were about 300,000 in 1614, eventually had banished by 1697.(3)

(1)The statistics of 1965 and 1972 report that Christians constitute 0.8% of the total population of Japan. The statistic of March 1986 informs us that the total membership of all churches in Japan is 1,059,355, or about 1.3% of the total population. Of these, 58% were Protestant; Roman Catholic and Orthodox members were 42%. This seems to be minor disagreement among statistics, not suggesting the increase of Christians in Japan. It may be safe to say that Christian population in Japan is around 1%.
(2) Calro Caldarola, Christianity: The Japanese Way. (Leiden, The Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1979), p.15.
(3)Owen Chadwick, The Reformation. (New York: Penguin Books, 1964), pp.340-2.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク