このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。
II. American Missionaries and Japanese Christians (Cont.)
Another psychological drive which pushed them to conversion was the loss of an object for their loyalty, due to the rapid collapse of the feudal institutions. Because they had publicly rejected their heritage, they could not return to Confucian or feudal categories to find meaning for their extreme self-consciousness as the new elite; nor, on the other hand, could they easily adopt the more universal Western values, which to them seemed to deny their identity as (samurai) Japanese. The samurai mentality, which sought for the personal lord-vassal relationship, could not be eradicated so quickly. When the young samurai encountered Christianity, they were struck by the concept of a personal God, which was to become a new object for their loyalty. From an ethical point of view, the collapse of the feudal relationship also meant the collapse of the system of morality based upon it. So, they willingly accepted the ascetic Puritanism as a new code of morality which would contribute to a cultural reconstruction of Japan.(3)
Eventually, a number of students converted to Christianity as a result of their prolonged educational contact with the missionaries. A number of “Christian bands” appeared, three of which were destined to play a central role in the development of Japanese Christianity. They were called the Yokohama Band, the Kumamoto Band, and the Sapporo Band according to their location; the last one was to develop into the Mukyokai movement.
Though the superficial circumstances of their origins differed, the three Bands were quite similar in terms of the interaction between the puritan missionaries and the young Japanese samurai. All three bands emphasized the teaching of the Bible as the basic doctrine of Christianity and ignored dogmatic complexities and denominational differences.
B. Second Phase: Development of Incompatibilities and the Struggle for Independence
As the church grew, the Japanese Christians came to desire complete independence from foreign domination. This impetus had two sources: one is the resistance against the evil of western denominationalism, the other is the resurgent nationalism in Japanese society.
Since Christianity itself was still vulnerable in Japan, the primary interest of the first missionaries to Japan was to spread the Gospel and get rid of the anti-Christian preconception. They were not concerned with denominational difference and felt it irrelevant to import the division of the Church in the West to the virgin island.(4)Further, missionary leaders strived for establishing a uniquely Japanese church. Twenty-one missionaries of the Presbyterian, Reformed, and Congregationalist Churches attended the General Convention of Protestant Missionaries in Japan which met in 1878 at Yokohama. They drafted a document in which western denominationalism was deplored and in which all existing Japanese churches were united into one body to be known as Nippon Kirisuto Kokai or the General Church of Christ in Japan.(5)
In spite of the 1872 resolution, the denominational features imposed by the missionary leadership tended to be sustained by the later emerged religious institutions until 1883, which bear the denominational stamp in creed and polity and of their western prototypes. Each of the major Japanese denomination was associated with one or more missionary organization in which foreigners dominated the decision-making process. Japanese ministers were educated at the denominational seminary in the West. The mother church were not eager to offer financial support for the development of Japanese congregation unless they were affiliated with them. “From 1883 through 1889, the Protestant Church in Japan was wrecked by internal tension between congregational denominationalism on the one hand and the thrust toward national religious unity on the other.”(6)
(3)Caldarola, p.31.
(4)Caldarola, p.33.
(5)Winburn T. Thomas, Protestant Beginnings in Japan: The First Three Decades 1859-1889, (Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1959), p.138.
(6)Caldarola, pp.33-34.