

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。






IV. Synthesis of Japanese Culture and Christianity

A. The Mukyokai View of Indigenization

Indigenization of Christianity in Japan was Uchimura’s most fundamental concern.After returning to Japan from the United States, Uchimura administered a school, Hokuetsu Gakkan, which was manned largely by American missionaries. Here, his disagreement over evangelical methods led him to resign and forsake cooperation with missionaries. He wanted to cultivate students’ spirit by traditional Japanese examples and virtues before seeding with the Gospel. While missionaries insisted on teaching Christianity directly, Uchimura undermined efforts to make instant Christians out of immature students. For him, it was not the time of harvest to bear fruit of a truly Japanese Christianity.(1)
Somehow he believed in God’s providence working in Japan, and thought that the mission of Japan was to connect the Occidental countries with the other Asian countries. One of Uchimura’s early essays outlined his theory of world history, which was based on the works of Karl Ritter (1779-1859) and Arnold Guyot (1807-1894), both famous for the scientific study of geography from a theological perspective.(2)Uchimura adopted their premise that the physical characteristics of the earth have a most fundamental influence on the development of a civilization, and that, knowing this, it is possible to predict the future course of the various human civilizations. By adding his faith to this theory, Uchimura was able to perceive the ways in which Divine Providence had affected the development of mankind and the mission of each country through various geographical configurations. Within the context of this theory, Uchimura rhetorically asks Japan’s place in divine providence:

What is Japan’s mission, or what can she do for the world? If Egypt and Babylon started civilization, Phoenicia dispersed it, Judea purified it, Greece polished it, Italy preserved it, Germany reformed it, England tempered it, and America executed it, is nothing more left for Japan to work upon it?(3)

(1) Norihisa Suzuki, Uchimura Kanzo Jitsuroku 1888-1891: Ichikou Fukei Jiken [A daily Record of Kanzo Uchimura 1888-1891: The Lese Majesty Incident at Ichiko]. (Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan, 1993), vol.1, p.7-58.
(2)Uchimura, “Chijinron (The Earth and Man),” in Zenshu [Collected Works], ed. Suzuki Toshihiro, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1932, vol. I, pp.545-552.
(3)Uchimura, Zenshu, XVI, p.17.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク