

 このシリーズでは、私が1994年に執筆した統一神学大学院(Unification Theological Seminary)の神学課程修士論文(Divinity Thesis)を日英二か国語で掲載している。







VII. Evaluation of the Mukyokai Movement.(Cont.)

The sublation and unification of the autonomy and heteronomy is what Tillich calls “theonomy.” Theonomy constantly resists both “an independent heteronomy and an independent autonomy” because autonomy without the theonomous dimension falls into mere humanism and heteronomy which oppresses autonomy destroys human reason. Tillich states, “Autonomy and heteronomy are rooted in theonomy, and each goes astray when their theonomous unity is broken.”(28) The struggle between the independence of autonomy and coercions of heteronomy can only be overcome through a new theonomy. Hence, autonomy and heteronomy are both elements within theonomy, from which they were derived; and they tend to be reunited in the theonomy again.(29) This is the dynamism of this trio.
In a sense, the concept of theonomy aimed at the unification of Catholic sacramentalism and the Protestant principle of protest against any form of idolatry.(30) Tillich’s main concern was the problem of conflict between sacramental authority and the freedom of individual religious experience. He poses the question, “How can the radicalism of prophetic criticism which is implied in the principles of genuine Protestantism be united with the classical tradition of dogma, sacred law, sacraments, hierarchy, cult, as preserved in the Catholic churches?”(31)
The ideal of theonomous culture, however, can never be fully realized on earth because of man’s existential estrangement that runs through all history. But there may be partial realization.(32) The Mukyokai movement is exactly this never-ending challenge of autonomy against heteronomy; and also a yearning for theonomy which is not completely attainable in this world. Interestingly, Uchimura himself talks about this unattainable nature of the Mukyokai in his latest diary (Oct, 24. 1929):

The non-churchism is an ism which is unattainable in this world. If it is possible to realize, it will immediately realize itself as a church. The preciousness of non-churchism exists in its unattainableness.(33)

This is strikingly similar to Ernst Kasemann’s existentialist perspective of ecclesiology, which is illuminated in his essay, “Unity and multiplication in the New Testament doctrine of the church.” He is convinced that the true Church can exist neither on the historical plane nor at the level of organizational strategy; it remains primarily an eschatological property, to be enjoyed only as a gift, never as an assured possession. He maintains, “For the Church is the kingdom of Christ on earth, and this kingdom is always ahead of our earthly organizations, theologies and devotional practices. We can never catch it up. It captures us and the sends us out to seek it, to live it out, to bear witness to it in fresh ways.” (34)

(28)Ibid., Vol. I, p.85.
(29)Ibid., Vol. III, p.251.
(30)Walter Leibsecht, “Paul Tillich” in A Handbook of Christian Theologians ed. Martin E. Marty & Dean G Peerman (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984) p.493.
(31)Paul Tillich, “The Conquest of Intellectual Provincialism: Europe and America,” in Theology of Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1959), p.169.
(32)op cit, Tillich, Systematic Theology, Vol. I, p.85.
(33)Uchimura, Nikki Shokan Senshu [Collected Letters and Diary], ed. Taijiro Yamamoto, (Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan, 1966), p.358.
(34)Ernst Kasemann, “Unity and Multiplication in the New Testament doctrine of the church” in New Testament Questions of Today, translated by W. J. Montague, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1969), p.257.

カテゴリー: 統一神学大学院修士論文シリーズ パーマリンク